About us

Geonaft (subsidiary of Zyfra Group) develops engineering and IT solutions to increase drilling and field development efficiency. We combined geomechanics, geosteering, and petrophysics innovations with cloud digital platform and industrial AI technologies.

Geonaft is a recognized industry expert in CIS Oil&Gas market. We are residents of the Moscow State University Science Park, the Tyumen Technopark and the Skolkovo Technopark. We are actively involved in the life of the leading international communities SPE, EAGE and the US Petroleum Institute. Our engineers have published over 80 scientific papers. Every year several hundred specialists from the largest russian oil companies improve their skills at the Geonaft Training Center.

Our solutions have proven their effectiveness in the challenging geological conditions of 120 fields around the world, including the development of shale reserves. In ten years, we have helped drill more than 5,500 wells. About 90% of offshore and 20% of horizontal and multilateral wells in Russia have been constructed using our solutions.

> 5500
Wells with geophysics and petrophysics support drilled
> 120
Oil and gas fields worldwide
> 50
Projects with geomechanical modeling
> 50
Wells with preparation of multistage fracturing design
> 10
Wells with comprehensive planning and technological drilling support
> 10
Projects of laboratory core analysis and fluid research
  • Integrated approach to solving
    engineering problems
  • Development of software
    meeting Customers requirements
  • Specialists with international background
    in primary fields of expertise
  • Software platform
    responding to industry challenges
  • Value through innovation
    and mutually beneficial collaboration
  • Digitalization, artificial intelligence, machine
    learning algorithms within oil and gas field
    exploration and production
Scientific partners
Moscow State University Technology Park
Tyumen Technology Park
Skolkovo Innovation Center
The management team of Geonaft Company is a regular member of the program committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), developing innovative ideas and projects that meet the challenges of the oil and gas sector. Our experts regularly publish scientific and technical articles, act as spokesmen at conferences, and also provide specialized courses in training sessions.
We facilitate:
Overall well construction time reduction
Initial and cumulative production rate increase
Life of well prolongation
LWD devices cost optiization
Non-production time elimination
Oil recovery factor increase
Advanced EOR
(enhanced oil recovery methods) costs reduction
Drilling risks prevention
Russia, Moscow
6, Vernadskogo Avenue, Moscow,
Russian Federation, 119311
© Geonaft, 2024